Monday, September 22, 2014


Description of my mind map

My name is Riza Nur Fadillah. My nick name is Riza. I was born in Blitar, 12 December 1996. I have father his name is CHOIRI. He is a Seller. My mother her name is NUNUK LESTARI. she is a housewive. my parents is SUPER parents to me. because they are always support me and always make me excited in my studie. I have two sisters and one brother. My old sister is a teacher. She is teach in kepanjen, malang. My littel sister is still studie in MAN TLOGO BLITAR. and my brother is amechanic.
my favorite food is meat balls. i like cocholate, ice cream and avocado juice,etc. i like cat very much because i think the cat is cute animal.
My elementary school in MI ISLAMIYAH Gaprang, Blitar. in this school I started learn all what i known yet. Much experience in this school. After I graduated from this school i continue my studie in MTsN BLITAR. In this school i began following organitation. I follow scout when i camping and join contest scout i get much experience can not be forgotten until now. After i graduated from this school i continued my studie in SMKN 1 BLITAR. Actually SMKN 1 BLITAR is school not my hope. I was realy hope to studied in SMAN 1 BLITAR but, in this moment any rules that from the mayor that the quota of students the district reduced the minimum value for the students of the district is 36.75 the town was 34 score and my grades 36.00 so I was not accepted at SMAN 1 BLITAR. when it happened i feel that is not fair to me to accep this realita but after a few mounts, i think SMKN 1 BLITAR is my way to be success because i belived God always give me the best. much stories in the school it can not forgotten. i really miss my friens. i really miss the time when i school. time the school is very happyness. if the time can reapet again '-'
after i graduated from SMKN 1 BLITAR, i continued in polytechnic electronics surabaya. specificly in multimedia bradcasting. i have some dreams in this moment. i want to be a profesional photographer, pubisher and i want to be editor.